We held an interview on the EkonMedya channel on April 15, 2022, titled "Silent Scream of Underdevelopment: Structuralist Economics".
Click on the photo to watch.


  We held an interview on the EkonMedya channel on April 9, 2022, titled "Understanding Today's Turkey from the Perspective of Fiscal Policy".
Click on the photo to watch.


  On May 2, 2024, we were guests of Nil RTV's Bilgi Kırıntıları program to talk about "Fiscal Policies and Türkiye".
Click on the photo to watch.


  On May 14, 2024, we were guests of Nil RTV's Ekopolitik program to talk about "Local Government Budgets".
Click on the photo to watch.


  We were guests of TRT GAP Radio's Bölge Gündemi program on May 14, 2024, to talk about "2024 Savings Measures".
Click on the photo to listen.


  We were guests of TRT Çukurova Radio's Hayatın İçinden program on May 23, 2024, to talk about "2024 Savings Measures".
Click on the photo to listen.


  In June 2024, in TRT Radio 1's Soralım Bakalım program,  we answered the question "What is budget literacy?".
Click on the photo to listen.


  In June 2024, in TRT Radio 1's Soralım Bakalım program, we answered the question "What is fiscal transparency?".
Click on the photo to listen.







© Cihan Yüksel